TV-channels gradually end their seasons and make the main image-making projects ready for the rerun. But before going on vacations TV-people are in a hurry to film (and if it’s possible – to edit) programs for autumn.

I decided to think about the new season on RU.TV channel in due time, and I invited Ani Lorak and Kristina Orbakaite to participate in my program “Sever. True Stories”.

Kristina surprised me with her story about acting in saga about “Midshipman” (“Gardemariny”). The matter is that the movie was shot in winter and in order not to freeze the actress had to put warm woolen socks and felt boots under luxurious empress’s dresses. Also I got to know that Orbakaite was invited without any tests and exams to actors’ course of such great masters as Oleg Efremov and Oleg Tabakov.

Ani Lorak is a woman with a difficult fate and her “true life stories” are full of dramatic events. She estimates her today’s fame not only as a result of hard continuous work, but as a gift of God as well.

Watch project “Sever. True stories” on RU.TV channel and right after TV-broadcasting – on the Internet site
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