“Funny Story” by VladiMir

“Funny Story” by VladiMir

Precisely a week after presentation of a music video of my elder son UrKiss, my younger son VladiMir officially presented his music video “Funny Story”.


Before the presentation of the video Vova appeared onstage for a few performances. I liked the idea of Serghey Grey, the video director, who, by the way, was also the director of music video “Margarita” by UrKiss.

VladiMir и Serghey Grey
VladiMir and Serghey Grey

That was a colorful and interesting story about dreams come true. The end of the video turned out to be really touching. After the main character had become a superstar, he returned to his neighborhood in a beautiful car and presented a guitar to another boy.


Yura was at the presentation as well. He came together with his friends. I’m always pleased to see that my sons support each other.

UrKiss and VladiMir
UrKiss and VladiMir

And, of course, I’m grateful to everybody who was with us on that evening. For sure, young singers really need support of more experienced artists. I was happy that many artists wanted to perform onstage at the presentation.




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