It’s a rare chance to get together with the whole family! Moreover, to go somewhere on a leisure trip. While the kids are growing up I begin to cherish such moments more and more. We managed to meet this spring all together in Dubai.
What a pleasure to do yoga on the beach near the bay! My sons and I began each morning like that!
When the boys were little we used to go to Disneyland and various amusement kids’ parks quite often. On one day in Dubai we decided to recall how great and funny it used to be. My sons and I, we went to a new amusement park to try all sorts of extreme rides and attractions.
Before that, my little kids used to get frightened. But this time I was really scared and they did their best to calm me down. To tell you the truth, it was funny and really cool! I adore such days! It’s a pity we have fewer and fewer of them!
Each year we try to travel to Dubai exactly on these dates to visit the traditional Jazz festival. This time we were lucky to see Mariah Kerry and Tom Jones.
When you look at them you understand and appreciate the time when they were younger. Now we can see the difference. Both Tom and Mariah are not as good as they used to be. But anyway it was great to see and hear them perform live!
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