According to the tradition I ask all guests of my “Sever. True Stories” project to say their slogan of a rule of life. It was a surprise to know that Stas Mikhailov lives with the same slogan as I : “Do what you ought to, come what may!”.

According to the tradition I ask all guests of my “Sever. True Stories” project to say their slogan of a rule of life. It was a surprise to know that Stas Mikhailov lives with the same slogan as I : “Do what you ought to, come what may!”.
Precisely a week after presentation of a music video of my elder son UrKiss, my younger son VladiMir officially presented his music video “Funny Story”.…
Late in the evening, literally at night, after the gorgeous presentation of “BraVo” music awards, there was a gala-concert.…
It’s hard to find words to tell you about my feelings of excitement when I went up on the stage of the Bolshoi Theatre at the presentation of International professional music awards “BraVo”.…
I was happy when Valentin Yudashkin offered me to take part in his traditional concert on the 8th of March. The live show was broadcasted by “Russia” TV-channel. …
In Moscow karaoke-club “Royal Arbat” took place a presentation of music video “Margarita” performed by my elder son UrKiss. …
Last autumn within the framework of my author TV-project “Sever. True Stories” I organized a charity action “Live!”. Its aim was fundraising for purchase of medications for patients from the department of kidney transplantations of the Russian National Center of Surgery named after B.V. Petrovsky. …
At the Olympic stadium “Fisht” in Sochi we shot a music video “Russia, score a goal!” The song is so energetic and it’s so easy to remember, that I would vote for it as the future football anthem. …
I would like to say the words of gratitude to all stars of Russian show business, who participated in the event, organized by “Federation” Fund. The event was carried out with support of Sochi city hall and the mayor of the city. That was communication between famous singers and gifted, but disabled children, in a format of a tea-party.…
Right after Dubai we came back not to Moscow, but to Sochi. For me it’s a special city with pleasant memories. It’s because the very first trip together with my husband (at that time – my future husband) was 25 years ago and it was exactly Sochi! That’s why I keep so many good and warm memories, related with this city. And it was a pleasure to return there together with our grown-up children.…